Retreats South Africa

Retreats 2023

MindWise has developed a number of retreat themes for specific retreat settings. These can be adapted for other settings while Gerry will be happy to discuss creating a retreat to suit your location and needs and philosophy. Retreats can vary in length – weekends, long weekends and multiple-days. MindWise also works in combination with some of the best yoga teachers in Mozambique and Europe to create unique retreats for well-being featuring both mindfulness and yoga practices.

Teaching Yoga Mindfully
South Africa 2023

This retreat will be held in Kamala House Karoo Retreat centre in Barrydale, in the Western Cape. We came across Terry’s beautiful new place on a recent trip to the magical Karoo area. The retreat, which Gerry designed especially for yoga teachers,  teaches the principles of  mindfulness, and how they can be incorporated into yoga classes. 

By applying basic principles of mindfulness and knowledge of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness into their teaching, yoga teachers can enrich the experience of their practitioners and enhance the depth of their own teaching.

As a mindfulness teacher and yoga practitioner, I have often heard yoga teachers talk about mindfulness and being “mindful” during my yoga lessons. I often get the impression that teachers use these expressions as “buzzwords” without knowing what they really refer to. 

During this retreat we will learn what mindfulness really is, through meditation practice, and by taking it to the mat by holding “teach-back” sessions, where participants can put their learnings into practice.

Contact Gerry directly for further information and to reserve a place on this unique retreat.


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