
Mindfulness-Based Awareness

Bringing Awareness to What's at Hand

The aim of this course is to promote awareness of your mind and body, helping you take better care of yourself and get the most out of living.

My teaching comes from eastern contemplative traditions as well as from modern scientific and psychological studies of the mind and how it works. I offer an eight-week course which is based on the work of the hugely respected teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and Mindfulness For Life (Oxford University).  I also draw from my own personal life, the changes that I have made, and from my own journey of practicing mindfulness.

This course consists of eight weekly sessions of two-and-a-half hours per week. Together, we explore the transformative power of mindfulness practice both on and off the cushion. 

We learn how to connect to a place of awareness that is always there, relating to our thoughts in a different way, which helps us to respond with discerning wisdom, instead of habitual reaction. 

Men Behaving Mindfully

For Men Only

Men and mindful meditation don’t always go hand-in-hand. Sometimes it’s a macho thing. Sometimes it’s a feeling of not being able to share personal stuff in a mixed sex group. More often than not, it’s because we as men find it hard enough, in any case, to talk about personal stuff such as feelings and emotions.

Men Behaving Mindfully is my attempt to change all of that by creating a safe space  for men to practice and share together

For example, we as men, find change so hard to handle and us men (especially those of a certain age) are facing many changes; from the change of growing older to facing job changes and retirement. Others may be facing painful separations or illness; or the illness of a loved one.

 The essence of our experience is change – this is a universal truth. Life is change. But we tend to resist it, causing ourselves to suffer. We are impermanent beings, always seeking permanence. Mindfulness practice can help us embrace change and relate to it in a different way.

In this six-week online course (one hour per week via Zoom), we will practice seeing and dealing with change through practices of allowing, leaning into change, and letting go  – all infused with being kind to yourself (self-compassion).

Men Behaving Mindfully – the meditation space for men where you can just show up and be yourself.


Self-Compassion Course

Learning to bring compassion and care to yourself may be the most important thing you will ever do. But it is also something that most of us have never done.
 We get tied up in the busyness of our lives. We keep going. We sometimes are our worst self-critic, judging ourselves, blaming ourselves, and others.
We are not perfect. Nor do we have to be. With self-compassion, we can accept imperfections, vulnerabilities and the mistakes that we make, and see them all as potentials for growth and learning.
MindWise has specially designed the CARE course, to use as everyday self-care and self-compassion tools. It is offered as 4 one-hourly sessions on Zoom, either individually or with a group.



Please contact Gerry directly to discuss what online course might benefit you and what the price for each course is.

Or book a free 30-minute introductory call to have a chat.

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