Welcome To


Teaching Mindfulness in Mozambique

Welcome! I’m Gerry and, together with my wife Christina, we run MindWise here in Vilanculos, Mozambique. We face the idyllic islands of the Bazaruto Archipelago – known for the rare dugong, pristine corals and beautiful underwater world.

What is Mindfulness?

You see the word mindfulness a lot these days. Perhaps you have heard that mindfulness helps with reducing everyday stress, worries and low moods. That it helps you to live more in the present moment and worry less about the future. That you can become more aware and find more peace, calmness, relaxation and stability in your life. Or  that it helps you to respond in a different way to situations in your daily life instead of from your usual reactionary habits. But you still have a lot of questions.

What exactly is mindfulness? How  can it help you? What can you achieve by practicing mindfulness? Maybe you want to learn more about mindful meditation but are not sure how? Or perhaps you want to  deepen your current meditation experience? I can  answer all of these questions for you. I can teach you either online or if you are visiting Mozambique, we can meet for face-to-face sessions in idyllic Vilanculos. 

 I have tried meditation but....

Maybe you’ve already tried mindfulness with a meditation app but gave up, feeling you have no time to meditate. Perhaps you get frustrated as your thoughts keep getting in the way. Exactly! That’s how our mind works! You may also have followed some guided meditations on video but they don’t seem to be relevant to you and your life right now.

Or maybe you are facing a change in your work life and are afraid to face it – a career change, upcoming retirement, organisational change. You might be experiencing a difficult event in your personal life such as loss, separation, divorce, or sickness, and find it difficult to accept what is happening right now. You don’t know where to turn or how to handle it. Or you are simply struggling with an always busy mind, feeling rushed, finding it hard to relax and feeling that you constantly have to achieve something.

You need a teacher.

That’s where I enter the picture.

How can I help you?

As an MA-qualified mindfulness teacher and a daily practitioner, I have in-depth experience to guide you on your mindful journey. By sharing my teachings, studies and own experiences I can help you to:

  • Look at how our mind works, how it often gets in the way and how our thoughts and thinking patterns contribute to everyday stress and anxieties.
  • Better deal with change in your life, whether this is in your private or your work life.
  • Relate differently to your mind and develop your skills to become more aware and present
  • Teach you what living in the present moment really means.
  • Help you to with self-care and compassion tools. We often take the time to take care of or focus on others but rarely take time to help ourselves!
  • Help you to learn to accept the way you are, with all your so-called imperfections and failures.
  • Deepen your practice and experience and continue a mindful journey together.

About me

Originally from Ireland, it has been a long life-journey to reach where I am now, with many different experiences along the way. I love to bring these experiences into my teaching. I like to take the mystery out of mindfulness and mindful meditation. There is nothing mysterious about getting to know your own mind, how it works, and learning how the thinking mind sometimes gets in our way. This can result in stress, anxiety, self-judgments and self-blame.

I would love to share my mindfulness journey with you and how it can help you with your own life right now. The paths are many and with me you have many different options. Yo can attend a specially themed retreat or workshop, or one-to-one personalised sessions here in Mozambique. Or you can work with me from the online from the comfort of your own home. My courses can help you reduce stress in your life or give you self-care tools. We can start right away! If you are a total beginner, I also offer a one-hour introduction to mindfulness, online or face-to-face if you are visiting here. 

Plan a chat

If you want to learn more about the benefits of mindfulness or feel I can help you, take the first step and plan a free 30-minute online call with me to have a chat. There’s no obligation afterwards and the call is absolutely free.

Or go directly to the what we offer page and book your personal or group retreat, individual session(s), or a mindful or wellness holiday with us.


How do I know what I need?

Get in touch and plan a chat to see if we can take this journey together, either online or face-to-face here in beautiful Mozambique.  We offer specially themed retreats or workshops, one-to-one personalised sessions or courses which give you lifelong self-care tools. You might even plan a relaxed and mindful holiday with us which combines mindful meditation with the beauty of Mozambique. Or book a special wellness package directly with us, featuring luxurious spa and wellness treatments in truly amazing places. Or you might try a truly mindful break in the beauty of Vilanculos where we live. 

What is mindfulness?

Being mindful is simply being totally aware of what is happening right now in your present moment experience, without the added judgments and opinions that our thinking mind always adds. I can teach you how to get to this place.

How can mindfulness help?

By being mindfully aware, we can get to know our reactions of habit and learn how to respond instead of react, from a place of wisdom and discernment.

Why is my mind so busy every time that I try to meditate?

That’s exactly how our minds work! Mindful meditation isn’t about emptying the mind. Together with me you will learn to work with the thinking mind. 

I am facing a change in my life. How can I handle it?

Change is part of life. I guide you through the whole process of change based on my own life-experiences, along with practices that help you how to cope with change.

Can mindfulness help me with anxiety?

By seeing how our mind works we also learn how our thoughts contribute to everyday stress and anxiety in our lives, and how mindful meditation can help with this. In this busy modern world, who doesn’t have daily stress of some kind or other?


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